Uptime: 27.5 days
Queries/second, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 1, 1, 1. Max queries/second: 57
Cache hitrate, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 78.5%, 82.4%, 82.0%
Backend query cache hitrate, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 75.2%, 75.6%, 79.4%
Backend query load, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 0, 0, 0. Max queries/second: 1
Total queries: 4821177. Question/answer latency: 0.543ms
Not validating response for security status update, this is a non-release version | 1317 | 67.7% |
Backend reported permanent error which prevented lookup (GSQLBackend unable to lookup 'domainhostingpal.com|ANY':Could not prepare statement: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=? and domain_id=?: Lost connection to MySQL server during query), aborting | 62 | 3.2% |
Backend error: GSQLBackend unable to lookup 'domainhostingpal.com|ANY':Could not prepare statement: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=? and domain_id=?: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | 43 | 2.2% |
Backend reported permanent error which prevented lookup (GSQLBackend unable to lookup 'domainhostingpal.com|ANY':Could not execute mysql statement: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=? and domain_id=?: Lost connection to MySQL server during query), aborting | 21 | 1.1% |
Cleaning up | 7 | 0.4% |
PDNSException while updating zone cache: Database error trying to retrieve all domains:Could not prepare statement: select domains.id, domains.name, records.content, domains.type, domains.master, domains.notified_serial, domains.last_check, domains.account from domains LEFT JOIN records ON records.domain_id=domains.id AND records.type='SOA' AND records.name=domains.name WHERE records.disabled=0 OR ?: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | 7 | 0.4% |
TCP server is without backend connections, launching | 5 | 0.3% |
Backend error: GSQLBackend unable to lookup 'domainhostingpal.com|ANY':Could not execute mysql statement: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=? and domain_id=?: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | 5 | 0.3% |
Caught an exception instantiating a backend: Unable to launch gmysql connection: Please add '(gmysql-)innodb-read-committed=no' to your PowerDNS configuration, and reconsider your storage engine if it does not support transactions.: ERROR 0 (00000): | 5 | 0.3% |
gmysql Connection failed: Please add '(gmysql-)innodb-read-committed=no' to your PowerDNS configuration, and reconsider your storage engine if it does not support transactions.: ERROR 0 (00000): | 5 | 0.3% |
Rest: | 469 | 24.1% |
Total: | 1946 | 100% | | 317 | 3.2% | | 313 | 3.1% | | 306 | 3.1% | | 300 | 3.0% | | 292 | 2.9% | | 283 | 2.8% | | 283 | 2.8% | | 275 | 2.8% | | 274 | 2.7% | | 265 | 2.6% |
Rest: | 7092 | 70.9% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% | | 20 | 10.2% | | 15 | 7.7% | | 14 | 7.1% | | 14 | 7.1% | | 14 | 7.1% | | 9 | 4.6% | | 7 | 3.6% | | 7 | 3.6% | | 5 | 2.6% | | 4 | 2.0% |
Rest: | 87 | 44.4% |
Total: | 196 | 100% | | 512 | 5.1% | | 479 | 4.8% | | 474 | 4.7% | | 473 | 4.7% | | 469 | 4.7% | | 460 | 4.6% | | 456 | 4.6% | | 453 | 4.5% | | 447 | 4.5% | | 440 | 4.4% |
Rest: | 5337 | 53.4% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% |
ns2.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 2403 | 24.0% |
ns1.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 2390 | 23.9% |
domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 2061 | 20.6% |
mail.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 1147 | 11.5% |
domainhostingpal.com/DNSKEY | 697 | 7.0% |
naijasabi.org/AAAA | 173 | 1.7% |
naijasabi.org/DNSKEY | 89 | 0.9% |
_dmarc.domainhostingpal.com/A | 86 | 0.9% |
BOa-aPi.NAiJasabI.ORg/AAAA | 69 | 0.7% |
domainhostingpal.com/CNAME | 47 | 0.5% |
Rest: | 838 | 8.4% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% |
DefauLt._biMI.DoMAinHOsTiNgpAL.coM/TXT | 1502 | 15.0% |
*.domainhostingpal.com/A | 404 | 4.0% |
*.domainhostingpal.com/MX | 270 | 2.7% |
*.domainhostingpal.com/CNAME | 265 | 2.6% |
*.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 252 | 2.5% |
*.domainhostingpal.com/NS | 248 | 2.5% |
server13.domainhostingpal.com/A | 198 | 2.0% |
_adsp._domainkey.domainhostingpal.com/TXT | 187 | 1.9% |
server13.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 162 | 1.6% |
CPAnEl.DOmAInhosTINGpAl.cOM/A | 152 | 1.5% |
Rest: | 6360 | 63.6% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% |
campusshop.com.ng/A | 5927 | 59.3% |
campusshop.com.ng/AAAA | 831 | 8.3% |
ns1.domainhostingpal.com/A | 681 | 6.8% |
ns2.domainhostingpal.com/A | 667 | 6.7% |
ns2.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 473 | 4.7% |
ns1.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 471 | 4.7% |
mail.domainhostingpal.com/A | 259 | 2.6% |
domainhostingpal.com/A | 97 | 1.0% |
domainhostingpal.com/DNSKEY | 91 | 0.9% |
domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 70 | 0.7% |
Rest: | 433 | 4.3% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% |
nS2.DOmAINHOstinGpAl.cOm/A | 13 | 24.1% |
NS1.DOmaInHOSTiNGpAL.CoM/A | 7 | 13.0% |
ns1.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 7 | 13.0% |
ns2.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 6 | 11.1% |
domainhostingpal.com/MX | 5 | 9.3% |
domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 4 | 7.4% |
mail.domainhostingpal.com/A | 4 | 7.4% |
domainhostingpal.com/A | 3 | 5.6% |
mail.domainhostingpal.com/AAAA | 3 | 5.6% |
naijasabi.org/A | 1 | 1.9% |
Rest: | 1 | 1.9% |
Total: | 54 | 100% |
campusshop.com.ng/A | 9109 | 91.1% |
campusshop.com.ng/AAAA | 839 | 8.4% |
sfdfsDSfdsffsD.CAMPusshOP.COM.ng/A | 18 | 0.2% |
SFdFSdsFDSffsd.CampUSShOP.cOm.Ng/AAAA | 15 | 0.1% |
camPusSHoP.coM.Ng/NS | 12 | 0.1% |
www.campusshop.com.ng/A | 5 | 0.1% |
campusshop.com.ng/SOA | 1 | 0.0% |
www.google.com/A | 1 | 0.0% |
Total: | 10000 | 100% |
backend-queries | 204100 | Number of queries sent to the backend(s) |
corrupt-packets | 196 | Number of corrupt packets received |
deferred-cache-inserts | 3961 | Amount of cache inserts that were deferred because of maintenance |
deferred-cache-lookup | 735 | Amount of cache lookups that were deferred because of maintenance |
deferred-packetcache-inserts | 3101 | Amount of packet cache inserts that were deferred because of maintenance |
deferred-packetcache-lookup | 457 | Amount of packet cache lookups that were deferred because of maintenance |
dnsupdate-answers | 0 | DNS update packets successfully answered. |
dnsupdate-changes | 0 | DNS update changes to records in total. |
dnsupdate-queries | 6 | DNS update packets received. |
dnsupdate-refused | 6 | DNS update packets that are refused. |
incoming-notifications | 4 | NOTIFY packets received. |
noerror-packets | 154157 | Number of times a NOERROR packet was sent out |
nxdomain-packets | 15576 | Number of times an NXDOMAIN packet was sent out |
overload-drops | 0 | Queries dropped because backends overloaded |
packetcache-hit | 3998957 | Number of hits on the packet cache |
packetcache-miss | 823395 | Number of misses on the packet cache |
packetcache-size | 247 | Number of entries in the packet cache |
query-cache-hit | 1057365 | Number of hits on the query cache |
query-cache-miss | 203433 | Number of misses on the query cache |
query-cache-size | 38 | Number of entries in the query cache |
rd-queries | 2345 | Number of recursion desired questions |
recursing-answers | 0 | Number of recursive answers sent out |
recursing-questions | 0 | Number of questions sent to recursor |
recursion-unanswered | 0 | Number of packets unanswered by configured recursor |
security-status | 0 | Security status based on regular polling |
servfail-packets | 54 | Number of times a server-failed packet was sent out |
signatures | 0 | Number of DNSSEC signatures made |
tcp-answers | 2535 | Number of answers sent out over TCP |
tcp-answers-bytes | 165827 | Total size of answers sent out over TCP |
tcp-queries | 2576 | Number of TCP queries received |
tcp4-answers | 2535 | Number of IPv4 answers sent out over TCP |
tcp4-answers-bytes | 165827 | Total size of answers sent out over TCPv4 |
tcp4-queries | 2576 | Number of IPv4 TCP queries received |
tcp6-answers | 0 | Number of IPv6 answers sent out over TCP |
tcp6-answers-bytes | 0 | Total size of answers sent out over TCPv6 |
tcp6-queries | 0 | Number of IPv6 TCP queries received |
timedout-packets | 6927 | Number of packets which weren't answered within timeout set |
udp-answers | 4813936 | Number of answers sent out over UDP |
udp-answers-bytes | 261411964 | Total size of answers sent out over UDP |
udp-do-queries | 4529805 | Number of UDP queries received with DO bit |
udp-queries | 4821177 | Number of UDP queries received |
udp4-answers | 4813936 | Number of IPv4 answers sent out over UDP |
udp4-answers-bytes | 261411964 | Total size of answers sent out over UDPv4 |
udp4-queries | 4821177 | Number of IPv4 UDP queries received |
udp6-answers | 0 | Number of IPv6 answers sent out over UDP |
udp6-answers-bytes | 0 | Total size of answers sent out over UDPv6 |
udp6-queries | 0 | Number of IPv6 UDP queries received |
unauth-packets | 3747556 | Number of times a zone we are not auth for was queried |
zone-cache-hit | 439581 | Number of zone cache hits |
zone-cache-miss | 1876738 | Number of zone cache misses |
zone-cache-size | 26 | Number of entries in the zone cache |
cpu-iowait | 7345901 | Time spent waiting for I/O to complete by the whole system, in units of USER_HZ |
cpu-steal | 115510 | Stolen time, which is the time spent by the whole system in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment, in units of USER_HZ |
fd-usage | 22 | Number of open filedescriptors |
key-cache-size | 26 | Number of entries in the key cache |
latency | 543 | Average number of microseconds needed to answer a question |
meta-cache-size | 26 | Number of entries in the metadata cache |
open-tcp-connections | 0 | Number of currently open TCP connections |
qsize-q | 0 | Number of questions waiting for database attention |
real-memory-usage | 12591104 | Actual unique use of memory in bytes (approx) |
ring-logmessages-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the logmessages ring |
ring-logmessages-size | 1946 | Number of entries in the logmessages ring |
ring-noerror-queries-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the noerror-queries ring |
ring-noerror-queries-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the noerror-queries ring |
ring-nxdomain-queries-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the nxdomain-queries ring |
ring-nxdomain-queries-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the nxdomain-queries ring |
ring-queries-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the queries ring |
ring-queries-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the queries ring |
ring-remotes-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the remotes ring |
ring-remotes-corrupt-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the remotes-corrupt ring |
ring-remotes-corrupt-size | 196 | Number of entries in the remotes-corrupt ring |
ring-remotes-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the remotes ring |
ring-remotes-unauth-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the remotes-unauth ring |
ring-remotes-unauth-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the remotes-unauth ring |
ring-servfail-queries-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the servfail-queries ring |
ring-servfail-queries-size | 54 | Number of entries in the servfail-queries ring |
ring-unauth-queries-capacity | 10000 | Maximum number of entries in the unauth-queries ring |
ring-unauth-queries-size | 10000 | Number of entries in the unauth-queries ring |
signature-cache-size | 0 | Number of entries in the signature cache |
sys-msec | 839999 | Number of msec spent in system time |
udp-in-errors | 6800 | UDP 'in' errors |
udp-noport-errors | 102502 | UDP 'noport' errors |
udp-recvbuf-errors | 0 | UDP 'recvbuf' errors |
udp-sndbuf-errors | 8 | UDP 'sndbuf' errors |
uptime | 2377865 | Uptime of process in seconds |
user-msec | 708919 | Number of msec spent in user time |
xfr-queue | 0 | Size of the queue of zones to be XFRd |